27,770 Ltr Schwarte-Milfor Jacketed Aseptic Tank with Brand New Bottom Entry Magnetic Agitator
Manufacturer: Schwarte-Milfor Sp. z.o.o
Type: Sterile / Aseptic Tank
Serial Number: 1012/P
Year: 2011
Volume: Approx. 27,770 Ltr
Min/Max. Pressure: -1/3.5 bar
Test Pressure: 5.9 bar
Min/Max. Temperature: 0/150 degC
Construction: Stainless Steel
Jacket Pressure: Atmospheric
Supports: 4x Legs
Man Access: Side Entry Bolted Manway
Agitation: BRAND NEW Bottom Entry Magnetic Agitator
Additional Info: Includes Skid with Filters, Valves & Control Panel
Height: Approx. 6650mm
Diameter: Approx. 2700mm
Availability: Immediate
Condition: Used, Fully-De-commissioned
Location: Lockerbie, Scotland
27,770 Ltr Schwarte-Milfor Jacketed Aseptic Tank
This is a Used Approx. 27,770 Ltr Schwarte-Milfor Jacketed Aseptic Tank with Brand New Bottom Entry Magnetic Agitator, Filter & Valves Skid & Controls which was Manufactured in Year 2011, Fully De-commissioned and held in stock at Lockerbie, Scotland and available for IMMEDIATE SALE