Equipment Wanted
Process Plant and Machinery Ltd are always on the lookout for various machines which are surplus to your requirement. Some of the machines we might be interested in apart from complete production facilities are listed below:
Should you have equipment which are surplus to your requirement ,send us some images of the plant including specifications via the "Sell to US" page.

Wanted: Separators & Clarifiers
Cream Separators | Clarifiers | Bactofuge Separators | Cream Separators | Whey Separators | Whey Clarifiers | Westfalia Separator | Westfalia Centrifuges | Alfa Laval Tetra Pak Separator | Alfa Laval Separator | Alfa Laval Centrifuge | Tetra Pak Separator | Seital Separator | Reda Separator etc....

Wanted: Homogenisers & High Pressure Pumps
Alfa Laval Tetra Pak Homogeniser| Alfa Laval Tetra Pak Homogenizers | APV Gaulin Homogeniser | APV Manton Gaulin Homogeniser | Tetra Pak Homogeniser | Alfa Laval Homogeniser | Rannie Blue Top Homogeniser | Rannie High Pressure Pump | Niro Saovi Homogeniser | GEA Homogeniser | Niro Lab Homogeniser etc....

Wanted: Heat Exchangers & Pasteurisers
Plate Heat Exchanger, Plate Pasteurisers (Pasteurizers), Tubular Heat Exchangers, Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers, Rotary Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers.. We are interested in: Alfa Laval Tetra Therm Lacta | Alfa Laval Heat Exchangers | Alfa Laval Tetra Pak Heat Exchangers | Alfa Laval Tetra Plex | Schroder Kombinator | Alfa Laval Contherm | Alfa Laval Tetra Spiroflo Tubular Heat Exchanger | GEA Plate Heat Exchangers | GEA Heat Exchangers | Sollich Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers | APV Heat Exchangers | SWEP Heat Exchangers | Sondex Heat Exchnagers and many more.....

Wanted: Evaporators & Spray Dryers
Evaporator & Spray Drier (Dryer) plants such as Falling Film, Rising Film, Forced Circulation, Plate, Thermal and Mechanical Vapor Recompression Evaporators for the dairy sector to be used for the following:
Whole Milk Powder Production
Skimmed Milk Powder Production
Semi-Skimmed Milk Powder Production
Whey Powder
Evaporated Milk etc...
GEA Evaporator, Niro Evaporator & Spray Drier | Scheffer | APV Invensys | De Laval | Alfa Laval | Tebel/Van-der-ploeg Skim Milk Evaporator Plant | Laguilharre Skim Milk Evaporator Plant | Niro Atomisers and many more...

Wanted: Decanters & Centrifuges
We would be interested in Used Decanters and Centrifuges to be used in the Dairy Processing or Beverage Sectors.
Some of the brands we might be interested in are as follows:
Alfa Laval Decanters | Alfa Laval Sharples Decanter | Sharples Decanter | Tetra Pak Decanters | Westfalia Decanters | Flottweg Decanters and many more......

Wanted: Aseptic Process, Aseptic Storage & Aseptic Filling Equipment, UHT Plants
Process Plant and Machinery Ltd would be interested in complete UHT process plants, UHT Filling Machines, Aseptic Process Equipment, Aseptic Filling Machines, UHT/Aseptic Storage Tanks etc for both dairy & beverage industries...
Alfa Laval Tetra Pak Aseptic Filling Machine | Alfa Laval "SteriTank" Aseptic Storage Tank | GEA Alhborn Aseptic Tank | Stork Aseptic Tank | Stork UHT Plant | Tetra Flex UHT Plant | Tetra Therm Aseptic Flex UHT Plant | Pasilac Aseptic Tank | GEA Aseptic Tank | Rossi & Catelli UHT Process Plant | Tetra Pak FloxDos Aseptic Dosing System and many more...

Wanted: Refrigeration | Chiller | Air Conditioning
We would be interested in Industrial Refrigeration, Industrial Chillers, Cilled Water Plants, Refrigeration Compressors, Air Conditioning Equipment, Condensers, Collers used in the Food & Dairy, Pharmaceutical, Drinks & Beverage, Chocolate & Confectionery, Brewery Industries. Brands interested are as follows:
York Chillers | York EcoProgram Chiller | Coolers & Condensers | Baltimore Evaporative Condenser | ICS Chiller | ICS TAE Chiller | Rhoss Chiller | Penmann | Sabroe Compressors | GEA Grasso refrigeration | Carrier Chiller Plant | HAAS Spiral Cooler | Goedhart Condensers | Groupe Frigorifique Chiller | Newsome Air Handling | Hitachi Water Chiler | Climaventa Water Chiller | Mycom Chiller and many more.....

Wanted: Complete Plants
Process Plant and Machinery Limited would be interested in purchasing the following complete plants:
Milk Plants including Milk Filling Plants | Dairy Processing Plants | UHT Milk Processing Plants | Cheese Processing Plants | Mozzarella Cheese Production Plants | Cheese Packing Plants | Complete Cheese Slice-on-Slice Packing & Wrapping Plants | Processed Cheese Plants | Complete Fruit Juice Plants | Complete Aseptic Filling Plants | Complete Tetra Pak Filling Plants | Complete Cosmetic & Pharmaceutical Process Lines | Complete Confectionery Lines | Complete Chocolate Processing Plants | Complete Powder Blending Plants | Complete Powder Bagging & Filling Plants and many more.......

Wanted: Stainless Steel Storage Silos for Liquids & Solids
We would be interested in purchasing your Stainless Steel Liquid & Powder Storage Silos

Wanted: Stainless Steel Jacketed Mixing & Holding Tanks
We would be interested in purchasing the following tanks:
Stainless Steel Holding Tanks | Stainless Steel Jacketed Holding Tanks | Stainless Steel Mixing Tanks | Stainless Steel Jacketed Mixing Tanks | Stainless Steel Cream Tanks | Stainless Steel Jacketed Cream Tanks & Cream Silos.....